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B&R Janitorial Supply > Helpful Hints

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How To Care For Floor Pads, Mops And Buckets

The useful life of cleaning tools and supplies (excluding solutions and cleansers) depends

1. The quality and design of the products being used 
2. How the products are used 
3. How well the tools are maintained

This page gives many helpful hints about caring for floor pads, mops and buckets. By
following these hints the custodian can extend the useful life of many of the tools and
supplies used in her/his work.


Floor pads come in a variety of colors and sizes and are made from materials that are
designed to do specific jobs. The following general tips about floor pad care can extend the
life of a floor pad.

1. Carefully install the pad onto the machine so it is centered. A floor pad that is not
    centered will wear unevenly and will create a safety hazard since the machine is more
    difficult to control.

2. When using the floor machine do not bump into objects. If a pad rotating on a floor
    machine hits furniture or some other object, the pad can tear or snag.

Since floor pads are made of different materials, using the correct cleaning method for
each type of pad is important.

1. For natural fiber pads clean by using the center die cut piece from
    the pad or a medium bristle brush and brush away the accumulation from the pad.

2. For a polyester or nylon pad use one of these three methods:

    a. Soak the pad in stripping solution until dirt is softened or loosened, then rinse using a
        water hose.

    b. Wash under high pressure water.

    c. Launder in lukewarm water.

Hang the pads in a storage area to dry after cleaning them.


Most synthetic mop heads contain a fiber coating which makes the mop head less
absorbent. Also, new cotton mop heads do not absorb as well as they do after some use
since their fibers are still coated with natural oils. Therefore, before using a new mop, wash
it in soap and tepid water and rinse well.

Mop heads are made of cotton, rayon, or blends of materials. Cotton mop heads are
satisfactory for most floor care procedures except finishing/waxing. Rayon mop heads
leave little lint, so a rayon mop head is better to use when finishing/waxing a floor than
cotton. Since cotton holds water better, it is better for drying floors.

Cotton is best for - Floor Drying
Rayon is best for - Leaving Less Lint, No Breaking-in Time, Wetting
Blended is best for - Laundering

Always use a clean mop head when scrubbing, sealing, or applying a finish. Use old
mop heads for applying stripping solutions.

Do's and Don'ts for Mop heads


1. clean (rinse well or launder) mop head after each use.

2. hang mop head to air-dry after each use.

3. launder mop heads in a synthetic mesh laundry bag.

4. have a mop head for each procedure (scrubbing, etc.)

Do not...

1. leave mop head in chemicals or cleaning solutions even for short periods of time.

2. twist the mop head in the wringer since it weakens the fibers when the pressure is

3. bleach mop head or use it with a solution with bleach.

4. wash in water over 160 ° F or dry in temperature above 150 ° F.


Buckets should be checked before and after each use for cleanliness. Even a slightly dirty
bucket will contaminate fresh water or solutions.

To save time cleaning the bucket when applying a sealer or finish, put a plastic trash bag
(liner) in the bucket, then pour the sealer or finish into the lined bucket. After completing
the job, take the plastic bag with the remaining solution out of the bucket and dispose of
properly. When a job is completed and the buckets have been cleaned, put them in the
storage area upside down. Be sure to put the buckets where people will not trip over them.
Wringers should be rinsed thoroughly and wiped dry. 


Following these hints can increase the useful life of floor pads, mops, and buckets.